Sunday June 3

A new section of track runs up Glen Ogle, climbing onto a disused railway, in very attractive scenery. The steep bits are tarmacced, which is much appreciated. We had fine views of Loch Earn and passed many Sustrans' sculpted mile posts. At Killin we stopped to look at the Docheant Falls where the river descends to enter Loch Tay. We took the small road to the south of Loch Tay with lots of ups and downs and fine views of three big peaks on the other side. Lunch at tea room by a 'Cranog' - a circular wooden hut on stilts in the loch. Through Kenmore and on minor roads to Pitlochry where we found a nice B&B in Ferryman's Cottage by the wobbly pedestrian bridge. We went to look at the salmon ladder by the dam and walked over the dam into town for a meal at the Mill House. Walked by the river Tummel.

Click on a photo to see an enlargement

View of Glen Ogle from new path

View of Loch Earn from new path


Sustrans way marker


Docheart falls


Docheart falls


Docheart falls


Reconstruction of Crannog near Kenmore


River at Pitlochry by dam

B&B: Kath Sanderson, Ferryman's Cottage, Pitlochry, Perthshire PH16 5ND. 01796 473681.

Strathyre - Pitlochry. Total 110 (47 today)

Day 4: Pitlochry - Catlodge

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